Sunday, November 28, 2010

Mental Health:

Your mental health is just as important as your physical health and often mental and physical health go hand in hand. For example, feeling depressed for an extended period of time can also make you physically ill or make you feel physically ill. My personal tips for improving your mental health are:

*When you are upset talking about your feelings may help. It is healthier to verbally express your emotions or concerns rather than keep it bottled up.
*Doing your best to take some time for yourself doing something you enjoy could decrease feelings of being overwhelmed or highly stressed thus improving your overall mental health.
*Spend some time with close friends, family members etc. Make the time if necessary.
*Some people might find journals to be helpful. (Writing down your feelings/thoughts).
*Have a good balance between your work, social, and personal time whenever possible.

These thoughts to improve your mental health may not be helpful to everybody, but they are thoughts at the least. Add to the list with your comments/own thoughts!

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