Sunday, February 6, 2011

Having clean water:

I posted a blog last week I believe is when it was regarding clean water sources. I also posted a link to visit that provides education about what contaminated water sources can do to your health. I mentioned the fact that most public water sources in the U.S. can be trusted to be non-contaminated. Bottled water was also a water source with very few reports of contamination. Then there are water filters you can attach to faucets that will increase the chances that you always get clean water. Water filters can also filter out elements found in tap water that you may not want to drink, such as fluoride. Another bonus to water filters is that they will cost you less overtime. It costs more to buy bottled water each year or month than it does to pay one sum for a water filter that will serve its purpose for a long while if not a lifetime. There may be some water filters that are more expensive than others, but most will save you money over purchasing bottled water. I know of a great water filter in particular that is cheaper to use than buying bottled waters. If you have any interest in this water filter contact me. You can also view the product by clicking on "view my complete profile" on my blog page then clicking on my "webpage" from there.