Before talking about exercise, I need to draw attention to a mistake in one of my last posts. My post on a healthier drink idea has sake spelled "soki". "Soki" is incorrect! Sake is the correct spelling. Sorry about that!
Hopefully correcting that spelling error helps if you were confused before, not knowing what "soki" was!
Exercise ideas:
I personally exercise at a gym for the most part, especially in the winter. However, there are a lot of things you can do for exercise other than going to a gym! Taking a walk around your block could count as exercise. A lot of things we do can count for exercise. You can incorporate exercise into your daily life. If you are a very busy person and don't feel that you have time for exercise simply think of things you can do throughout your daily routine to get a little bit of exercise. For example, if you have more than one floor at your work place and need to go up past that first floor take the stairs rather than an elevator! Now that winter is here any winter sports or hobbies you like can be exercise too. It is always good when you can find an activity or sport that you enjoy. This way you will want to exercise!
Some of the activities other than going to the gym that I enjoy include:
*Skiing for the winter
*Hiking, more of a summer sport of course. If you haven't tried hiking try it! There are many trails available for your hiking experience. Google hiking trails in your state. Be sure to find a trail that is of your experience level. If you haven't hiked before or don't hike often don't go on an experienced trail. Rather, stick to an easy or maybe intermediate level trail. When hiking it is also very important to remember how long it might take to get to the top and then back down. You don't want to get stuck in the dark on a trail! Having a flashlight just in case might be a good idea! The best thing you can do for yourself is start hiking early and keep track of the time! Turn around if it is getting later in the day, even if you aren't yet to the top. It is always very important to have plenty of water with you! Dehydration is a major concern if you are hiking without any water; you don't want to hike without a supply of water! Remember to use your water and keep hydrated. It is also a good idea to have small snacks with you that are high in sugar or complex carbohydrates. A lot of your energy will be depleted as you hike. Having a sugar source on board will help you have enough energy to keep going. If you are on a longer rather than shorter hike bring a lunch/meal that isn't too heavy to carry along with you in a small backpack! The less weight you have on you on a hike the easier it is. But don't let that thought prevent you from taking all of the things that are important for you to have. Also very important to have on you is a first aid kit! Also along the lines of safety, it is never a good idea to hike alone.
The last of my thoughts is protecting yourself from the sun. Sunscreen, sunglasses, and hats are always good to have. I also bring a sweater along just in case it gets cold or I am coming back down just before the sun disappears. You never know what might happen, be prepared. The last trail I hiked on was a trail that went up to Lake Blanch, which is up Big Cottonwood Canyon in Utah. It is a beautiful trail! It is considered an intermediate level hike. Google it to find its exact start location.
*Last exercise idea: If you have not tried pole fitness it is great! I have done it quite a few times now. Don't worry, you don't strip or anything like that. You learn fun spins on the pole and this is all combined with an actual work out. Before trying it I never thought it would be a work out, but it was! It is fun yes, but also a work out to the max! It gives you cardio exercise and is also a muscle strengthening exercise. I felt the effects for 3 days after taking the class for just an hour! So don't be afraid to give it a try ladies, it really is a whole new workout!
The above exercise idea highlights are that of my own. They are the main kinds of exercise in my life. Comment back and tell me about yours! I love to try new things!
*Last comment from the CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention): The CDC states that to benefit your health adults need 2 hours and 30 minutes of moderately intense activity each week and need at least 2 days a week in which the major muscle groups are strengthened (2010, p.1).
*I would personally add to this statement by saying that I believe stretching when you can is always a good idea as well. Be sure you are warm first so that you do not hurt yourself.
That is all for this week. I hope to get comments back regarding your thoughts and ideas on exercise. I would love to hear of some new activities for myself to try also.
Center for Disease Control and Prevention. How much physical activity do adults need? May 2010.
Accessed Nov. 21, 2010.
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